
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Featured Collectible - Rosenthal Netter / Bitossi Italian Pottery

I'd never heard of Rosenthal Netter Pottery until I picked this Owl figurine up at a sale last weekend:

Of course I immediately fell head over heels in love, and set out to find out more about the company. From what I could gather, Rosenthal Netter was an importer of Italian pottery after WWII, along with another well known company, Raymor.

Some of the pottery is from designer Aldo Londi, who designed pieces for a company called Bitossi which was then imported by Rosenthal Netter. At least that is how I am understanding it - it is all a bit confusing. I think this owl could be a Londi/Bitossi piece.

Again it is all a bit confusing, so I am interested to see how the auction goes, and if anyone emails me with more info about this amazing Owl... If you know anything please do comment - I'm totally smitten :).

Let's have a look at some of the other Rosenthal Netter items that are out there right now, shall we? There's LOTS to drool over! ;)

This is just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more great stuff out there... I'm so glad I stumbled upon my Owl - it just goes to show that in this line of work there is always something you haven't seen out there waiting to be discovered! 

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Swisher :)

My little brother got married yesterday! I just uploaded a bunch of pics to Facebook, if you want to check them out. :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Vintage Youngstown Steel Kitchen Cabinet Brochures

At the same sale where I found the vintage JC Penney catalog, I also scored TWO vintage Youngstown steel kitchen cabinet sales brochures. I won't waste a bunch of time talking about them - I can sum it up pretty neatly with one word - LOVE. (Click the photos to enlarge!)

From Brochure #1:
From Brochure #2:
Before Shot (which I also love!):
After Shot (love again, of course!):
If you have any interest in vintage steel kitchen cabinets, or in retro styled kitchens in general, these are a must have! Click on over if you want to place a bid, they are up for auction right now! :)

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