
Friday, February 15, 2008

I'm going to be on Blog Talk Radio!

How's this for a surprise... I've barely recovered from the shock of being interviewed for the CNN article, and now I get an email from Auction Wally saying he wants to interview me on his podcast!

Blog Talk Radio is a great site with hundreds of podcasts, I use the Ziepod player to subscribe and listen, but you can go directly to Auction Wally's page and listen from there as well.

The show is this coming Tuesday, Feb. 19th at 8:00 pm eastern time. If you want to call in and talk to us on the show, the number is (646) 378-1561. We are going to talk about the blog, vintage collectibles, eBay, and who knows what else.

I've never been on the radio before, I am excited and nervous!

Click here to listen!


  1. Congratulations! How exciting for you! And I love that vintage aqua radio - it is similar to the pink GE one we had when we were kids. My Dad had it out in his shop. Wish I still had it!

  2. Hey thanks for the mention, it's going to be a fun show.

    Ummm. I'll give you 6 bucks for that Aqua radio if you want to sell it. I mean it's used and out of style :)
    OK, I'll make it $8.00 and throw in a few vintage Jello pamphlets!

  3. haha Wally, you sure know how to sweeten a deal - mmmmm, Jello... ;)
