
Friday, February 8, 2008

Wow - CNN is all over the eBay insanity....

Here is another article from CNN/Fortune, this time about the controversial new policy over at PayPal where they have given themselves the right to hold payments for up to 21 days on "high risk" transactions.

Here is another article profiling 5 businesses who have ditched eBay altogether.

And finally, one about the upcoming strike - February 18-25, if you are interested. ;)


  1. I'm doing quite well on Etsy. I've sold 5 items last week. I've been on eBay since '98; not selling anything there for a few weeks won't hurt me. :p

  2. Yeah, I have high hopes for Etsy too, I just need to get some stuff in my store there!

  3. Hi Mitzi, thank you very much for your email! Thank you also for adding me, I was going to ask you if you wanted yours on mine as well. You have an awesome blog. We are kindred spirits it seems. lol I just did another review talking more about BISI! And you can you can find a lot of ebay article links on the right. I am hoping to hear more about Etsy for my MIL. She is the one that did the pillows on my blog. I think Etsy would be great for her. THANKS AGAIN! Amber
