
Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's Finally Spring! Contest - Submit & Win!

Friday Update - Someone suggested I open up the entries to vintage items scored at Thrift Stores and on Craig's List as well as at garage and estate sales, and I think it is a good idea - so send your photos in! I am extending the deadline to Monday also, so any submission I get this weekend will be eligible!

Whiny Update - Thursday - I only have one entry! Is everyone on spring break? Is finding a picture too much work? Does my prize just simply, well, suck? I don't know. What I do know is that if you enter before Saturday, it's looking like your chances are going to be pretty darn good...

I know a lot of you are like me, thanking their lucky stars that Spring is finally here, and yard sale season is right around the corner! To celebrate I've decided to do a little contest - the 1st annual It's Finally Spring! Contest. Original, I know, but that's what it is, so I'm going with it! ;)

If you want to be in the running, just email me a photo of one of your best yard sale, tag sale, or estate sale scores to If you have a blog, be sure to send the address, I will include it when I post the entries. Also, be sure to send your mailing address so I can send you the prize if you win! I know there is no way I will be able to choose the "best" score, so once I have all the entries I will draw names from a hat.

What is the prize? It's a little Yard Sale Survival Kit I put together (click the photo to see the large version):

I know it kind of looks like a random lot of vintage goodies, but each thing has its specific purpose:

First, a funky paisley print bag that is just the right size (around 15"x18") to carry with you to hold all the junk (oops, I mean treasures!) that you find.

Next is a pair of aqua blue coffee mugs by Corning, because coffee is a necessity if you are dragging yourself out of bed at the butt crack of dawn on a Saturday. I'm including two in case you have a partner in crime going out shopping with you!

Also included is a fun vintage hair scarf, because there is nothing worse than trying to dig through boxes and having to keep pushing your hair out of your face. (Or, if you have really long hair like I do, there's nothing worse than arriving at the cash table with price stickers and cobwebs in your hair!)

The rainbow zipper clutch is to hold your cash and other small must-haves. Trying to carry a real purse around while you shop is pretty much impossible, so a little bag like this one is a great thing to have!

The blank floral notebook is handy if you are like me and like to write things down that you pass on, so you can then research them when you get home, and kick yourself over and over for leaving them behind.

And last but not least, I'm including a 1940's romance novel so that you have something to read when you are waiting for a sale to start. It happens to me all the time - I show up 15 minutes before start time, and have to twiddle my thumbs until they open the doors... having a book helps pass the time beautifully!

I will also send along a coupon for 10% off an item in my Etsy store, so if there is ever a weekend where you just can't make it out of bed in the morning, you can still shop! I might even end up sending a coupon to everyone who enters, now that I think of it... so send me your photos! I'll accept entries through Saturday, March 29th.

If you want to post about this contest on your own blog too, that would be great - the more the merrier! :)


  1. You're ON, sister!

  2. This is great Mitzi! Hurray for Spring!! I have got to think about my best score...Oh, actually I think I just may have spied it across the room...I will get a photo sent to you today.

  3. What about thrift scores? I was going to enter, but I'm a stickler for rules, and none of my best acquisitions are from yard/estate sales. I'm more of a junk yard/craigslist/thrift store addict. Your call! Maybe you could open it up to general vintage? Love the site, by the way.

  4. Hi So Buttons, I think you are right and I need to open it up to scores from thrift stores and craig's list as well... Looking forward to your entry!
