
Friday, March 7, 2008

Triumph! - My 1st Etsy sale & new stuff listed!

Not only did I make my first sale on Etsy last night, I made it in record time - about 5 minutes after I posted it!

I listed this great vintage Montgomery Ward coat, then I did another listing, then I saw that the coat had gone missing... So I looked around, and looked around, and was resigning myself to the fact that I would have to re-do it when I happened to see in my sidebar - 1 item sold!

All I can say is... halleluja!

That sale was just the little bit of encouragement I needed, and I spent a few hours happily adding new things:

Remember these? They got no love on eBay, so I moved them to Etsy (after a brief thought of, well, I could just keep them... but my more practical side won the battle this time!).

This is another piece that I tried on eBay with no luck, here's hoping some Etsian will appreciate it a bit more! It's a tin toleware silent butler - or, in layman's terms, a crumb catcher. I think it would be a great little trinket box or storage container, and I love it's shabby chic vibe!

I moved quite a bit of my clothing stash from eBay to Etsy also, and I think I may eventually move all of it there. My eBay store is so overloaded - there are like, a gazillion categories! - that I am trying to narrow it down a bit. I had already decided to move my jewelry to Etsy, so moving my clothing there also just makes sense. (If you are tiny - size 4 or 6 - it's your lucky day because most of what I listed is in that size range!)

So yeah, it's a happy day here, despite the big snowstorm that is rolling through. I was smart though and went to the store yesterday and stocked up, so we won't need to leave the house until sometime next week. :) Snow is always so much prettier when you don't have to worry about driving in it!


  1. Great stuff! I am going to check it out!
    Jen R

  2. Yay Mitzi! 1st sale! What a great feeling! I'm happy for you!

    By the way, Remember how I told you that my my etsy shop had been dead recently?
    Well it was only a day or so after you mentioned my shop on Wally's podcast that all of a sudden it picked it up! I've had sales 3 days in a row so far! Sometimes 2 at a time! It started a couple days after the show and I have not had that much business in that shop in the 2 1/2 months it's been open!
    So thank you! I'm sure you'll get plenty more sales just on the good karma alone! Oh, if you get a minute, I'd love your input on my latest blog post! Thanks! Kelly over at Vaudeville Vintage

  3. Thanks Mitzi! Well I went back into etsy and sort of cringed as I sent her the invoice. I was sooo close to politely asking her what her position was on this subject but I decided against it for fear of finding out that her family and friends collect vintage plates for her to break! I think she had something like that on her page. But I left out a few parts of my usual invoice message to her....I left out the part about joining our mailing list(Don't want her to see what else I got!) and I omitted the usual...."Please visit our store again!" (because she might!) HIDE YOUR DISHES! lol! Kelly

  4. CONGRATS!!!! I am glad its working out and it gives others hope(In case I have to go back to selling!!!)
