
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Business!

It's hard to believe, but my little business had its first birthday this week! What a year it has been...


  1. Happy Birthday Vintage Goodness! Hey Mitzi, How's things? I haven't been working as much as I should lately as you can probably tell because the newsletter letter is behind, my blog's been neglected, I haven't added new merch in a while. But(can you start a sentence with "But"?)I am trying to catch up. I listed 20 auctions today, the most ever at one time for me. It's kind of risky because my auctions only seem to drive my ebay fees up! I have about $200-$300 worth of vintage jewelry just sitting here and I was planning on listing it until I saw a lot of the same pieces on ebay listed for about 20% of what they are worth. Sigh. I am trying to set up a 3rd shop specializing in retro ceramics and mid century modern pottery on bisi called Retro Modern Gallery. I still have to fill it up and get a domain. I don't think anyone can find it. Have you heard from Amber lately? She seemed to have disapeared for a while. Anyway, just wanted to catch up. Hope all is good!

  2. Happy Birthday Vintage Goodness!! How proud you must be Mitzi!!! Congratulations!!!!!

  3. Hey there! Well actually I opened accounts on bisi and ecrater the same day. I just haven't even begun setting up ecrater. There was a reason that I chose to set up bisi 1st and I can't remember it now but I think it did have something to do with the set up of one versus another so I'd have to agree with you there and I think you are right about there being more traffic on ecrater because there's none so far at my shop but then again, you have to set up with google base but you cannot do that until you have atleast 20 items. So no one can find my shop yet.

    I didn't know that they had actually segregated us at etsy until I saw it on your blog. I went for weeks with out a sale on etsy recently also. I think someone needs to start a site like ebay or etsy but all vintage! I am determined to get to a point where I can at least make a full time income at this - somehow! But lately I've been at a confused standstill. Let's hope my gamble with my 20 auctions pays off at least a little and doesn't just jack my fees up higher. You've been listing more auctions lately also haven't you? I read in your newsletter that you were trying to get up to 100 a week. How's that working for you? Maybe that's how you got some of the shop sales. Last time I had a bunch of auctions, people only bought my store items! It's soooo much more expensive to list on ebay but after what's happened on etsy, I feel even more dependent on ebay.
    Scared to cut the cord,

  4. Loving your blog and shops! BIG CONGRATS and keep up the inspiration!
