
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Auction Wally Show - Sunday July 13th @ 2pm

I can't believe a week has gone by since the last show! I hope you all have had a chance to listen. This week we will be talking about Walt's trips to Brimfield (I couldn't be any more jealous!), my lackluster weekend shopping the yard sales, and what we each have been up to online lately.

Last week we kept the show to half an hour, but this week we are going to extend it to 45 minutes and open the last 15 minutes of the show up for phone calls. There have been some issues with phone calls not coming through for some unknown reason, so if you try to call and can't reach us, pop into the chat room and let us know. Well, pop into the chat room anyway, it's an easy way to interact with us while we are on the air! :)

The call in number is 646-378-1561 - click here to tune it at 2pm eastern!

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