
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Life Beyond eBay - Podcast Sunday @ 2pm

My first co-host show with Auction Wally is tomorrow! Walt has titled it "Life Beyond eBay". I did a pre-show post over on The Vintage List blog, which I have worked on getting set up this weekend. I'm working on re-vamping this one too, as you can probably tell. I am thinking of pointing my site directly here...

We are also going to talk about The Vintage List, which I am excited to get to talk about. I have a complete vision of what I want it to become, and I can't wait to get into it with Walt, I think it will be easier for me to express than when I try to write about it.

Don't forget you can call in while we are on the air, the number is 646-378-1561. There is also a chat room that is open during the show, so you can hang out and chat... We will try to keep an eye on it so if you have comments or questions that you want to ask in the chat room you can!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Miti!
    I missed the show on Sunday because of computer problems...but I listened to it later. Good job!! I enjoyed listening!!
