
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Collectible Glassware - AuctionWally Show @ 2pm

Sorry for the late post about the show, I just got home from my trip! More on that later, though...

Today's show is about collectible glassware - I am going to cover kitchen glass, I actually started a Flipping Vintage series of posts about it over on The Vintage List blog if you want to check it out...

Tune in at 2pm EST for a great show with lots of good information, and as always you can chat in the chat room or call in at 646-378-1561.


  1. REPORT:
    For anyone that follows Mitzi's blog or is one of her customers.
    Where she lives has just been hit by a HUGE wind storm in Ohio. Power may be out for up to a week.

    Obviously, she cannot use her PC or ship any orders, if you've purchased something from her, please be patient, and if you could spread the word that would be great.

  2. Hi Mitzi,

    I totally understand where you are coming from. I'm still stuck in Austin because we have no power in Houston. Ugh! I really want to go home!


  3. Oh and I'm happy you did not get much damage, other than tree limbs. That storm was crazy~
