
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Look what I got for a dollar!

I went to a small estate sale last weekend, at first glance I thought I would be leaving empty handed - until I saw this awesome pole lamp! It has amber glass globes and wood accents and works perfectly! You can actually turn it on three ways - all three lit, the bottom one only lit, or the top two only lit.

Did I mention it was a dollar?

Here is the whole thing, ceiling to floor - excuse my messy office:

It has since found a new home in our living room upstairs, Will actually rearranged up there to make a little corner nook with a chair, a little bookshelf/table, and the lamp - which he keeps calling HIS lamp, for some reason. He's obviously confused. ;)


  1. super find! i love love! and the price? super!!!!

  2. Great deal!!!

    How is the selling on ebay and Etsy??? is it slow since the economy is so bad or is it ok, I hope its doing well!!

    I have a few things I am going to sell soon and I was thinking trying ebay for a few things and etsy for some others

  3. Etsy seems to go in spurts, will get a few sales then nothing for a while, then a couple sales then nothing... I am going to be listing more jewelry and ephemera there to see how they do.

    eBay is still good if you have good stuff - but the days of selling common or flawed things for good prices are over I think. I have been trying to buy more selectively, which means I am listing less but at least stuff sells. My store has been doing better the last few weeks, thank god for fall! lol
