
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Brand New Vintage Goodness Newsletter!

As most of you already know, I've been working on streamlining my business - yes, I'm actually sticking to a New Year's Resolution I made! Shocking, huh?

Anyway, the newsletter situation was one of the things that really needed addressed, so this week I took a careful look at it. I actually have 2 email lists, one for the website, and one for my eBay store. Both were being woefully neglected, but the website list much more so than the eBay one.

Well, once I took a look I realized that the eBay one I can set up to go automatically - so those folks who want to know the new things I have up at auction every week can get it, without me having to do anything... Not the case with the website list, that one I have to actually create every time I send it out.

So, here's my new plan: The eBay newsletter will go out automatically. The website newsletter will go out every two weeks, at the very least, if not more.

I have signed up with a brand spankin new email list provider:

So the newsletter will have a fun new look, and I will get some cool tracking and list management tools!

I bet you are wondering what will be in the newsletter, right? Check it:

~ All the news about Vintage Goodness that you can handle in one email

~ Links to all new blog posts since the last time you heard from me

And most importantly:

~ Super Secret Content - That's right, I'll put stuff in the newsletter that I don't put anywhere else. Articles, links, photos, contests... who knows what it might be! You don't want to miss out on that, do you? ;)

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