
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Planning for 2009... Revised - or, remembering I'm only one woman!

A couple of weeks ago I posted about my plans for 2009 - it seemed like an ambitious plan, even as I was typing it all out, and once I sat down to really figure out how much TIME all of those things would take me, I've had to scale it back. Significantly. Unfortunately.

So, here is what has been put on hold, until they invent in-home cloning technology so that I can make a few of me, or some other way of doing more things in my meager 24 hours a day makes itself apparent:


This is the decision that hurts me the most. I've shelved all Bonanzle projects for now - both my Vintage Goodness booth there, and my co-hosting duties on the Brainstorming Bonanzle podcast with Walt.

I just don't have time for a new venue right now - between eBay and Etsy I have all that I can realistically handle at the moment. I will still pop into the radio show when I have time though, it's too much fun to walk away from all together!

Figure8Jeans on BuyItSellIt

Selling plus size jeans is my new product line, and I realized that I don't have time to try to drive traffic to a stand alone website for it, at least not in these first testing stages. So I am making it eBay only for now - my url will point to my Auctiva storefront, where you can see all that I have listed.

I am also putting the Figure8 blog on hold - I am barely keeping up with this blog and The Vintage List blog, so adding another to my plate is, well, unrealistic. It may come to be in the future, but for now I am just going to maintain a mailing list, and go from there.

I don't know how many of you were in the habit of going to to see all my stuff, but if you go there now, you will notice that it leads you here, to my blog. All of my info is in the sidebar here, so maintaining another page with all that same info seemed a little bit like overkill. Again, saving time is the goal!

What's Staying

Vintage Goodness on eBay - Our goal for the next several months is to significantly ramp up the auctions. All the inventory waiting here to be listed, with the exception of ephemera, will be put up at auction first, and if it doesn't sell, will then be moved either to my eBay store or one of my Etsy shops.

Vintage Goodness on Etsy - I will continue to list a variety of vintage items in my main Etsy shop, but over the next few months I will be focusing on costume jewelry and paper ephemera.

Vintage Goodness Too on Etsy - I will continue to list a variety of items in the "for the young at heart" niche in my 2nd Etsy shop, but over the next few months I will be focusing on the huge backlog of children's books I have here waiting to be listed. - I am hoping to really grow the directory site over the coming year - stay tuned, either here or to The Vintage List blog for all the news and updates!

The AuctionWally Show - I know I've been slacking about updating and promoting what is going on with the AuctionWally podcast, but I promise to do better now that we are all set up on the Talkshoe network in our new timeslot, 8pm EST on Tuesday nights. - I am still on board with the folks at BooksFYI, and will continue to help them with their online presence and getting books listed.


  1. This is really sad news...I for one was looking forward to her booths and the class she would bring to Bonanzle. Not to mention, she will be sorely missed on Brainstorming Bonanzle.

    Hopefully, She can get things settled to where she can rejoin the show and set up shop here... are one class act and I for one was really looking forward to the level of professionalism you would bring to Bonanzle.

  2. awww, thanks! As you can see it really is just an issue of time - my plate is already so full that I had to cut back on some things. I hope too to one day be able to get on Bonanzle - keep your fingers crossed for me!

    I will still be around the BB show when I have time, if nothing else I will be listening while I work! lol I'll hang out in the chat and call in sometimes I'm sure. You aren't rid of me that easily! ;)

  3. You know...In a strange way this post has helped me with basically the same problem! I know now how I am going to work my items this year...Thanks Mitzi!

  4. Maybe you'll be interested in advertising on this site

  5. I was so looking forward to working with you on Bonanzle. You are professional, I respect your decisions, I don't have to like them.

    I will miss you on Brainstorming Bonanzle. You brought loads of information to the show.

    Maybe in time you will have time to open your Bonanzle booth and spend some time with us there.

    Many Blessings to you!

  6. Well, to come to decisions such that you have, speaks highly of your gathering experience...

    It ain't easy, to have done as much as you have, or to contemplate doing more...

    I think your new direction is going to work out just fine...

    All of our activities create feedback, about what works or does not work - about what is useful to do, or not so useful to do...

    Seems like you have a great inner ear..

    Good Luck


  7. Hi, just thot I'd leave a note to say that I'll miss you on Bonanzle and the Brainstorming Bonanzle show! If you ever have a free moment stop by and say hi to the rest of us Bonanzlers! Good luck in 2009!
    Take care, Michelle

  8. Wow, you sure do have a lot on your plate, it's inspiring to know that you keep up with everything in the first place!! Its so hard to want to do so many things all at once, I know that feeling! Best of luck, and don't forget to take some time out for yourself too! :)
