
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Better Homes & Gardens the replacement for Country Home magazine subscribers... Ugh.

I finally got my final issue of Country Home in the mail today - with this lovely notification:

Better Homes & Gardens? Really? I was happier when I thought I would be getting Traditional Home. BH&G is an ok mag from what little I've seen, but pretty far off from what Country Home was. I'll reserve final judgement until I've gotten a few issues, but let's just say I'm not really looking forward to them.


  1. You should try calling them! I just called Condé Nast to switch my defunct Domino subscription over to Cookie, so I don't get surprised with something I won't like. Like Architectural Digest.

  2. Now there is an interesting idea - I just might try it!

  3. Just e-mailed them and said I wanted a refund for the rest of my Country Home subscription (WHICH I JUST RENEWED) and that I did NOT want BHG - ugh, it's still a granny magazine to me.

  4. Hummmm

    Update me. I haven't read Better Homes and Garden in years. Isn't that the one with lots of recipes and not much decorating stuff?

    And tell me more about Country Home. It sounds like lots of granny lace, peeling painted cupboards, hand stenciling everywhere?

    I use to like those imported Italian furniture magazines but that stuff sits close to the floor and my knees can't handle it- I need someone to pull me up. I doubt you would have that problem with Country Home sofas!!

  5. I love Country Home and my subscription is changing to Family Circle.
    Actually, Better Homes and Gardens has LOTS of decorating articles. It's one of my favorite magazines.
    I think they've come a long way in the last few years. Give it a chance! :)

  6. Family Circle? I wonder why they didn't replace you with BH&G? Weird...

  7. Gee - I was a subscriber since day one - wonder when they are planning to send me one of those! I'm irritated. I think we should have a choice, too - I already get BHG, and I wouldn't mind Traditional Home as a replacement. but I'm still very sad that one of my favorites is gone.

  8. Hi there,

    I received a message saying that My Country Home subscription would be replaced by the magazine REAL SIMPLE. Haven't heard anything more nor have I yet to receive the Real Simple magazine.

    Thanks, Gwen
    Glad to have found your blog. I love anything vintage!

  9. Hm, I would rather have Real Simple than BH&G!

    Glad you found my blog too Gwen, hope to see you again soon! :)

  10. BH&G is nothing compared to Country Home. The only time I read that magazine is if I get a free subscription, it's soooo full of ads and any instructions they give for projects are sketchy.
