
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Magazine Death Pool

"More than 525 US magazines ceased publication in 2008, and 40 have already folded in 2009."

I just stumbled across a site that is covering the demise of magazines - Magazine Death Pool. If you want to keep up on what is happening in the mag world, it looks like the site to watch. Thanks to Twitter user TheMediaIsDying for the link - give them a follow!


  1. Am still mourning the demise of Cottage Living. Like I've lost an old friend. :-(

  2. Thanks for these links! I just found you through twitter. I blogged about losing soem of my favorite magazines last Saturday. I loved Hallmark magazine and Cottage Living and Country Home -- and Home Companion....who knows what others wil bite the dust?

  3. Ahhh, Twitter... gotta love it, addictive as it is! hehe

    Yes I know, I think the rest of the year is going to see mags falling like dominoes :(
