
Monday, March 16, 2009

Apartment Therapy Spring Cure 2009 - I'm In!!

I've been planning on doing a hardcore spring cleaning/de-cluttering of my entire house this year, because frankly it is driving me insane. I've got way too much stuff crammed into way too little space, and something's gotta give!

Luckily, today I got my email from Apartment Therapy, and they are launching their Spring Cure 2009 program. I've heard about their Cure program in the past, and I decided to go ahead and jump on in and see if it helps me meet me spring cleaning goals!

I'll be posting my progress here, as embarrassing as it will probably be. Anyone else participating this time?


  1. that sounds FANTASTIC, if I get a house I'm IN!

  2. I'm a first time cure participant too and I was googling to see who else was joining in. Great blog! I can't wait to see the results!

  3. OK, this just might guilt me into keeping to a schedule. I'd already planned on major destashing in the next 8 weeks, so.....

    Then again, I'm planning on BUYING a lot too! XOX

  4. We're curing at our house. Coincides nicely with spring cleaning.

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