
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Apartment Therapy Spring Cure 2009 Week 2 & 3 - The Kitchen & Entry

So last week was week two of the Cure and I was supposed to do a deep clean of my kitchen, and cook a nice meal in it when I was done.

All I can say about that is... FAIL.

Will did the dishes and cleaned the counter and stove, I did nothing.

This week is about making a "landing strip" near your front door to catch clutter. I have a coat rack next to my front door, and a key rack, so I'm all set there. The front door is the main entrance to our house as well as the main entrance into the business space, so there isn't room for me to add anything else...

So I guess I can call week 3 successful? Because I've already done everything I can do?

Sweet, I feel better! :)


  1. You were supposed to do a deep clean of your kitchen, removing all clutter in a WEEK?

    In my house someone needs a reality check. That stuff breeds. It expands in a ratio directly related to the available space.

    I had a light bulb moment the other day, clutter is homeless, moving clutter from one temporary place to another literally only relocates the problem.

    So why bother? It can wait until it either gets a home or is tossed.

  2. I have liked your blog. I will come again to your site. Keep it up!

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