
Saturday, May 16, 2009

I found more stuff to keep - I'm on a keeping spree!

The sales were really good this weekend - I found lots of great stuff, and on the super cheap - I hope this is a trend for the whole summer!

I actually found a few things to keep again today - 2 days in a row? Unheard of! But check it out:

I am working on thrifting all of these vintage Better Homes and Gardens decorating books - yes, I know, I could just buy them online, but that's not how I roll. Not that I haven't looked at them online, and came *this close* to pulling the trigger about a dozen times... but I just can't. I must thrift.

Anyway, this is the 1975 edition. I'm excited to dig in... I'll have to do some scans to post when I get a chance!

Here is my collection so far - the 1975 I got today ($1.00), the gold slip cased 1961 edition ($4.00), and the green 1968 edition ($1.00).

As far as I can tell I am missing the much coveted 1956 edition (which seems to have some of the same content as my 1961 edition, but some different stuff in it as well):

And there is also the other 1961 edition, which is probably the same as my gold one but with a different cover - but the collector in me wants it anyway:

Is that all of them? Does anyone know for sure? Or am I missing some?

I also found this book from 1951 called The American House Today - it's more of an architecture style book, including house plans:

The photos are all black and white, which kind of sucks, but I am going to read through it before I decide if I want to keep it or list it...

Update: This book is listed online for crazy money - I think the cheapest I saw was $50, the most expensive $150 - what gives? Are any actually selling at that price? Bizarre!

The last book that I was very happy to find today is a book on Hall China. I love Hall China - but then, I tend to have a soft spot for all the old Ohio companies:

I didn't already have a book on Hall, and it was only $1.00 - score!

And last but not least, is something I am keeping for pure, unadulterated sentimental reasons:

It's a cheap plastic Santa's Gingerbread House windchime from 1974. My grandma Hazel had one, and every year we hung it up. It's in perfect condition, and it is in its original box! For $1.00 I couldn't leave it behind:

Thanks, thrift gods. You did me a solid today. :)


  1. aww that is a great windchime!!!!

    I have some of those books!

  2. Awesome!! I know exactly what you mean about not being able to just buy what you want online, you must find them in your thrifting travels. I feel like I would be "cheating", LOL.

  3. Geez I have the 1961 BH&G decorating book too. Now I effin love this site.

  4. hehe, thanks Jump Start My Heart - I guess we are kindred spirits! ;)
