
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lunchtime Poll Topic: Downloadable Vintage Related Magazine?

Those of you who are signed up for my newsletter have already seen (and hopefully filled out!) the little poll I created over the weekend - for the rest of you, here's the scoop:

Back when I started this blog what I really wanted to create was an online magazine - here's the post from December 10th, 2007 to prove it. I let the idea die though when I realized the time and work involved in a project like that, and honestly the same issues I had with the idea back then are the same issues I have with it now.

But everyone's reactions to Country Home and several of the other "shelter" magazines going out of business put the idea into my head again - apparently there are a whole lot of folks out there just like me who love magazines! So, I decided to get some opinions from my regular visitors in the form of a little poll - just to gauge the level of interest in the idea.

Here's the poll - it's just a few questions, it will only take a couple of minutes to fill out.

Here's the results so far - if you are curious ;)

Thanks in advance!

PS - Brownie points to everyone who can name the movie my Lunchtime Poll Topic reference is from!


  1. Great idea Mitzi!

    and is the movie reference from "Office Space."

  2. Took the poll when I got the newsletter.

    And "Office Space" was my guess, too!

  3. Thanks! And nope, not Office Space, its a little older of a movie than that...

  4. Hi Mitzi - just found your sweet blog and you sound like the kind of thrifty diva I've been looking for out here in the blogosphere! I also have an Etsy shop and LOVE to discover vintage and retro treasures, but I also really enjoy sharing beautiful garments and accessories with my customers, even if my little "treasure trove" of items are not all over 20 years old, or a designer label, and don't cost $200. Looks like you are open to all kinds of thrifty, frugal, and budget-minded beauty! I'll be back to check out what you are up to with that magazine idea . . . . I've done quite a bit of free-lance writing and could offer an article or two once in a while if you are interested! Nina @ Gossamer Wings Studio

  5. I think an online magazine would be great. I wonder if you know of NEET magazine. Maybe something like it for vintage would be great fun.

  6. Nobody guessed by now that you're referring to HEATHERS? Oh, the humanity.

  7. Hooray! Finally someone knew Heathers - I really thought no one would ever guess! Oh the humanity, indeed ;)

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