
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Country Home fix with Flea Market Style magazine?

I just discovered that there is a new magazine out called Flea Market Style (from the amazing Ki Nassauer) - will it give us the Country Home flavor we've been missing? I hope so! They have a blog now which is great, but it looks like the mag is only available in stores, I couldn't find an option to subscribe... So, the hunt is on! I'll let you know if I can snag a copy... :)

Update: It looks like they released a test issue this spring, with another new issue set for release next spring... if I hear anything more I will let you all know!


  1. Thanks for the headsup about the new mag. I am always looking for another magazine to love. Thanks again.

  2. Love magazines also !!! This one is not going to be available till spring of 2010 , so guess we will have to wait ! :(
    The Little Things

  3. Looks like a great magazine. I will have to check it out. Thank you. foofoogal.

  4. oh! flea market style is my favorite! these magazines are pricey but filled with the best photos and ideas!
    cute blog by the way!

  5. If the flea market style retains the style of the blog, I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy it as well.


  6. the "test issue" was priced at 12.99(US price) for a VERY thin magazine and it was wrapped in plastic so you couldn't even flip through it to see if it was worth it. I REALLY hope that isn't a sign of things to come-I am dearly missing all the fabulous mags that have gone under this year.

  7. Just a quick correction: with regards to Mary's comment, the magazine has yet to be published and when it is, it will be 144 pages, not thin at all! :)

    I think Mary is referring to another magazine of the same name...

    Linda MacDonald
    Flea Market Style Magazine

  8. Thanks for popping in Linda, very interesting! I didn't see the other mag that is being referred to, but I think we all can't wait to see FMS when it comes out! 144 pages hooray! lol
