
Sunday, September 13, 2009

What to do, what to do...

I'm having trouble deciding what to do next weekend. There are two events happening simultaneously - the Country Living Fair and the Springfield Antique Show and Flea Market Extravaganza.

The Country Living Fair is about 5 minutes from my house, but is a hefty $12 to get in, and who knows how much parking will be. One huge perk of going is that my lovely co-blogger on The Vintage List blog, Lisa B., is going to be there - we could do lunch! How fun would that be?

I highly doubt there would be anything there for me to buy for my shops, it would be more of a hang around and drool over stuff kind of event, while taking photos for the blog of course...

The Springfield show, on the other hand, will have a ton of stuff I could buy for my shops (2200 vendors, hello!), and it is only $5 to get in. It is 45 minutes away though, which is a bit of a drag...

I suppose I could do both. But that would mean little or no garage sale shopping, and it is getting to be the end of the season here, so I am feeling the pressure to stockpile for stuff to list over the winter. Garage sales = cheap inventory, which is hard to pass up. The flea market will have some bargains, but more likely I will be spending a bit more than I would at the sales...

Grr. I need two of me. Or maybe three.


  1. As a Country Living reader myself, I would go to the Country Living Fair. Sounds like fun and you could network. But the Springfield Antique Show and Flea Market Extravaganza sounds fabulous, too. Just think of all the fabulous goodies you could find. That is a tough choice!

  2. Country Living Fair would be my choice. It's really a great event, and I'm sure you'll feel that it's totally worth it as well.


  3. Hi, I linked over from Vintage Rescue Squad. I have a junky event on my blog that you may be intersted in. Also, my FB status today is: "I got out of bed at 3am to go on Facebook". It's a love/hate thing.

  4. Pam, did you friend me on FB? The link is in the right column. :)

    Oh and by the way, I may be staying in town to hit the sales this weekend - there are a ton of good ones!

  5. Can you hit Th and Fr sales and then go off to Springfield. That would be my choice. I like to buy from estate sales first and fill in with flea market stuff. Being able to clone yourself would be a help...can you do it?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and visiting.

    I have friends setting up at both shows. i like to see the quality at a show like Country Living, but it is frustrating not being able to buy. xo Joan

  6. Oh man what choices you have!! Wish i lived that close too!! I only have local antique shops!!

  7. Which way did you end up? I would've gone to the big flea market. I always go for the bang-for-your-buck potential, where you can BUY! And 45 minutes is pffttt if you can motivate. My SHOP is 45 minutes away and I do it every weekend!

    However, you're lucky to have TWO good things. Come to think of it, I'd do BOTH!
