
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

100+ subscribers to my email newsletter?!?

I logged into my MadMimi account today and discovered I now have over 100 subscribers - you guys rock! Talk about feeling guilty about not sending one out in a while (as you can see from my header, the last one was #12 on August 31st - yikes!). I've had writers block, and my pleas for ideas on the Facebook Page didn't get any response... :(

I have to pay $8/mo. now that I have more than 100 people on my list - that's $8 worth of motivation right there! So I'll be sending them out more regularly from now on, I promise. If you have any ideas about what you would like to see me cover in my emails, please leave a comment and let me know!

Also, they are offering a new feature where you can use your blog's RSS feed to send out emails to your list when you do new posts, it is $5 a month. Would that be something that you guys would like? If so let me know in the comments!

If you haven't signed up yet here's the sign up box:

I am also a MadMimi affiliate, if you are looking for a great email program, click this link and check them out - I have nothing bad to say about them at all, and you know how rare that is! ;)

Mad Mimi Email Marketing

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