
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christmas Kitsch Craft Projects!

I wrote a few days ago about a couple little vintage Christmas craft books I am going to be giving away in the next issue of my email newsletter - they are kitschtastic, and here's a few scans to prove it! Click to enlarge, I left them really big so you can hopefully read the text and see all the details in the photos...

This is just a small sampling of course, if you want to try to win them, just sign up for the newsletter and I'll be sending out all the details! :)

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Whew! My head spins with delight! The crafts of my childhood -yay!!!

  3. Those skirts are the cutest things ever! And I love the models in them, those shoes and tights! Loveliness.

  4. I want that white Christmas tree and all the ornaments attached to it.
