
Friday, March 26, 2010

Under the weather, slow to recover...

Hi everyone, I figured I had better check in since I haven't posted anything lately... I was sick all of last week, with some mysterious bug that had me down for the count, in bed with a fever of 101. My doctor gave me a pill for every possibility, and one of them did the trick - except for my energy level. It is not picking up as quickly as I was hoping... Which means I have gotten next to no work done for 2 weeks now. Which, when you work for yourself, is bad. Very bad.

But, hopefully over the next few days things will get back to normal. I am planning on hitting a few sales tomorrow morning, so hopefully I'll have some fun new stuff to list next week! I think that would help my energy level as much as anything - a bit of excitement always lights a fire under me to get stuff done...


  1. Nothing like a little retail therapy to improve your mood! Feel better and happy shopping!

  2. get well soon! looks like your downtime had a silver lining - shopping!

  3. you should really get back and following your a fun of vintage stuff really sucks to get sick when you have a lot of things to do..i do research and stuff and humidity monitoring for my experiment and im having a bad headache..good luck to me

  4. Hope the shopping helped!! Feel better soon. xoxo
