
Sunday, May 23, 2010

For The Love Of VHS

For about a year and a half or so I have been without a way to watch movies in my office. I put my parents as well as myself on the hunt for a new VCR this spring - finally my parents found one this weekend! It is a VCR/DVD combo actually, and they got it for a great price at an auction.

So all the VHS movies I've been collecting are going to be entertaining me while I work... Some people might snicker at spending money on VHS tapes - but you can find them so incredibly cheap out at the sales these days that it is pure folly to pass them up!

Let me show you what I have collected over the last year or so, then I will show you the VHS mega-score I got at a church book sale today - you will start looking over the boxes of tapes whenever you are at a sale from now on, I'm sure (if you don't already)!

Just look at all this goodness!

Anne of Green Gables double tape sets - you don't know how much I love these movies! And Labyrinth? *swoon* Plus some great old movies - Made for Each Other with Jimmy Stewart & Carole Lombard, Charade with Cary Grant & Audrey Hepburn, and another Audrey movie, My Fair Lady.

The animated version of Watership Down, which I don't think I have seen (at least not in a long time), the version of Little Women with Elizabeth Taylor, June Allyson, Janet Leigh and Margaret O'Brien, the version of A Little Princess that I blogged about before, and Jackpot with Jimmy Stewart (I haven't seen this before either).

Probably my two favorite VHS scores ever - the boxed set of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth (haven't seen it - can't wait to watch it!) and an Ab Fab set. Love me some Ab Fab!

And then there are the Shirley Temple tapes that I scored at an estate sale last summer... Can you say movie marathon? Coming soon to a Vintage Goodness office near you! ;)

Bear in mind that I didn't pay more than $1 for any of these, most were considerably less. Who can pass up those kinds of deals?

Ok, let's see what I grabbed at the church sale today. It was end of the sale $2 a bag day - I fit 25 tapes in a bag. That works out to 8 cents a movie!

Little Men, which I haven't seen, Field of Dreams, The Full Monty, Jerry Maguire (I have it on DVD but it is one of my favorite movies ever, so I grabbed it), Groundhog Day, 9 to 5 (score!! - what a classic!)

Sleepless in Seattle, Say Anything, Serendipity (I LOVE John Cusack), The Private Eyes with Tim Conway & Don Knotts (haven't seen this but couldn't pass it up!), City Slickers, Fievel Goes West

The Carol Burnett Show (*happy dance*), Half-Baked, High Fidelity

 My Big Fat Greek Wedding (I think I already have this too, but it is one of my other favorites of all time so I grabbed it), A Christmas Story (another all time fave!), An American Tale

Avengers boxed set (may put that on eBay), Around The World In 80 Days, White Christmas, Warner Brothers Collection (this one is more for Will than me, he is a huge fan), An American In Paris

Charade (forgot I already had this one!), A Farewell To Arms & Snows of Kilimanjaro, An Affair To Remember, and Gone With The Wind.

Whew. I have more than this too - stuffed onto shelves here and there around the house. I will have to get them all out and organize them for easy grabbing here in the office. So stay tuned, there could be a For The Love of VHS part 2 in the near future! ;)

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  1. Oh, I'll come watch movies with you. I almost felt a twinge of envy when I saw the Shirley Temple movies. Enjoy!

  2. The pride and prejudice is the best thing ever made...I'm surprised anyone would part with it, unless, like me, they've upgraded to the DVD. enjoy!!!

  3. What sort of office do you live in where you can watch movies all day. I have serious office envy now.

  4. It's one of the perks of working at home Nancy - my office is MY office and I can do (and watch!) whatever I want :D

  5. glad to know i am not the only one who likes VHS tapes! my cousin made fun of me for buy those...the loser buys bluerays lame!

  6. I so loved reading this post. I'm glad I'm not the only one liking the VHS, I have almost all the old Marilyn Monroe movies now. A member of my team uses the boxes and makes great notebooks out of them. Just goes to prove that VHS's are still going and going, much like the energizer bunny....
