
Saturday, September 18, 2010

My new 16" vintage tabletop globe!

This is by far the largest vintage tabletop globe I've seen - and I somehow managed to come up with enough justifications to keep it. It stands about 20" tall, so finding it a home in my packed full house is going to be a challenge - if I ever figure it out I will try to take a few photos! :)


  1. Pretty!

    I have a wonderful vintage globe that my husband inherited from his grandfather, but the base is in terrible shape. Do you or any of your readers know where they sell just stands (much like the one for yours)? I've tried searching, but no dice. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places (or googling the wrong words).

  2. What an awesome find! My husband thinks I have far too many globes!

    Cathi Bruhn
    El Rancho Not So Grande at Blogspot

  3. i've considered keeping a globe or two we've found...but we've sold 3 of them in the last month and a half so it's hard to justify keeping them. but one of these times, i might just "force" myself to.

  4. So cool! Went to a Flea Market yesterday and saw a very nice vintage globe, but said "we'll just come back and get it" since we had just arrived. Then after a while we saw someone carrying it. UGH, next time if I like it, I will GET IT right away. They are very popular.

  5. That is so great - reminds me of my 6th grade school classroom! Love it!

  6. I am a huge fan of maps and globes, and I would have to say this one is so cute and nostalgic! <3

  7. Nice find! Speaking of...I just posted a great story about a 1-in-a-mil find.
