
Sunday, October 24, 2010

New eBay goodness ending tomorrow night!

We didn't get a whole lot listed last week - the time got away from us, to say the least! We are going to do our best to remedy the situation this week, so stay tuned, more goodness to come! :) Here's what is up, all ending tomorrow night! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ladies!!

    this here gal in south opening a virtual General Store here in Blogland. actually she is already open for Open House this week.
    The screen doors (McLinky) open on Thursday the 28th for everybody in Blogland to post their how-to's..just good Old fashion gather around the store and lets have some fun.
    You are welcome to come by and visit.It's all free..what you sale is yours.
    The link is

    I am Cindy over at Rick-Rack and Gingham..
    I own the little old General Store..anyhow..nice to meet you hope to see you soon.

