
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dear Santa - My Christmas List

Dear Santa,

How are you? I know you are probably very busy, what with Christmas only 16 days away and all, but I hope you can find time for one more letter! I've been very good this year - I've done all my chores, I've given my best, and I've even been nice to my little brother, only teasing him every once in a while in a moment of weakness.

I have a list of presents that would make me really, really happy - even just two or three of them under the tree on Christmas morning would be more than enough! It's been years since I've written you with a list, actually I think the last time I used the Sears catalog toy section to make it. This time I used eBay - you have an eBay account, don't you?



  1. What a fun post! My wish list is on Ebay too, and I really hope that Santa has a PayPal account!

  2. Oh your list warms my heart on many levels. I have a set of vintage Pyrex primary colour nesting bowls which I bought on eBay because my grandmother had the same set. And when I was a teenager my best mates and I would watch the Ab Fab marathon on CBC every New Years for literally hours on end. Great selections! I hope Santa is good to you this year :)

  3. I want the YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR HEAD EXAMINED poster. I think I'll get it put on little business cards to hand out to random people that do stupid things in public.

    Great post! Happy holidays, and I hope you get everything on your list!

  4. so funny lol well I hope Santa will grant your wishes:)

  5. That peacock bedspread is GOR-GE-OUS, oh my gosh. Want. Great xmas list, I love everything on it!

  6. I love this post, I'm so going to do this virtual Christmas list next year right smack dab on hubby's blog to give some hints. :)

  7. Whoa! You have very good taste in wish lists!


  8. That bedspread is GORGEOUS!! Did you get it?

  9. So...whadja get? I love the bedspread, the Calvin and Hobbes set, and the clock - they'd be on my wishlist too!
