
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New goodness at auction on eBay this week!

Wow, I haven't typed that headline in a while! I've been slacking about posting my eBay auctions - mostly because in winter I'm not listing too many WOW things - it is mostly low dollar, average items that are left over from last year's garage sale season. I don't know about you other sellers, but when season is in full swing, I list the best stuff I find first - so by the time winter hits, I'm left with the not so exciting stuff. Not that it is BAD stuff, it just isn't very blog worthy...

This week I do have a few goodies listed that I want to share - most from a couple of estate sales I hit in the last few weeks. Thank god for winter estate sales! :)


  1. I love the pump coffee dispenser! I kinda want it...I'll have to watch for it on Ebay.

  2. Every single one of these items, I mean every single one was in my childhood! Never had that happen before :>
