
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Trends from the Springfield Extravaganza Antique Show & Flea Market

Friday morning I made the 45 minute trip from Columbus to Springfield, Ohio to the Springfield Extravaganza Antique Show & Flea Market. The weather was gorgeous (finally!) and my hopes were high - the last time I went was in 2008, and I walked away with quite a few items that I was able to sell in my stores online.

This year I wasn't as lucky - pretty much everything was priced too far out of my range, and I only made one purchase in the 5 hours or so that I was there. I think if you were a collector, buying for yourself, there were probably some good buys to be had - and there was a LOT of cool stuff to choose from, for sure.

I want to talk about the trends I noted while I was shopping, but first let me show you the few photos I took. I didn't manage to take very many, I was too busy trying to find a booth where I could spend some money. But I did snap a few:

I was totally smitten with this stripey goodness - but really, who wouldn't be?

I almost pulled the trigger on this guy - he was big and heavy though, and since I wasn't quite sure exactly what he WAS, I decided to just be content with taking his photo...

 Pyrex goodness, from the same booth as the stripey goodness...

 Also from the same booth, a Lefton Miss Priss cookie jar! *swoon*

Of course the stuff I took photos of is not on my trends list - it was just stuff I liked, and would have loved to have gotten. I only have one photo of one of the trends (I know, I'm a terrible blogger!):

 Yes, that's a giant stuffed bear - which I later saw on a trailer, so someone took him home!

Trend #1 - Taxidermy
I was actually kind of surprised at how much taxidermy I saw - the bear was the most memorable, but mostly it was deer heads and antlers. I've seen this as a trend on Etsy as well, so the "ick" factor must have turned into the "cool" factor with at least some shoppers.

Trend #2 - Industrial
Industrial, industrial, industrial. It was EVERYWHERE. I love it, but I actually was a little bored with it by the end of the day. Lighting and storage were the most popular - if you wanted a cabinet with a bunch of little drawers in it, I bet there were a couple hundred to choose from.

Trend #3 - American Pickers
I definitely felt an American Pickers influence at the show, which wasn't surprising considering it's popularity. Those big signs Mike and Frank love were all over the place - actually anything with advertising on it seemed to be hot. I got more of a masculine vibe overall from the show than I did the last time I was there - it was like someone said, bring on the Manitques! ;)

The Anti-Trends - What I Didn't See
I was a little surprised, but mid-century modern was almost nowhere to be found - I saw a few lamps but that was basically it, much to my disappointment. The other thing that was missing was Shabby Chic - there was some, but not nearly as much as the last time I was there. I did see one booth that was painting things magenta and turquoise, instead of the Shabby Chic standard of white, which is a trend on Etsy.

It was an interesting day, even if all I came home with was one thing, and a nasty sunburn. Note to self: don't forget the sunscreen when you go to the flea market! What a newbie move! :P


  1. Interesting, these trends were very prevalent at Brimfield too. And there was a great lack of MCM as well. Thanks for posting about your trip!

  2. I'm really sick of the taxidermy/industrial chic trend already... it's already been popular here in Chicago for 2 years and it's actually pretty hard to decorate with in the average home.

    I'm sorry to hear you didn't find much to buy! What was your one purchase?

  3. I bought a pair of wire and wood wall sconce candle holders - I'll probably be listing them this week :)

  4. Hi
    I love your blog just recently discovered it.
    I used to set up at show with my hubby and the stuff we used to bring was the items that had not sold on eBay! So does that mean when you see all the industrial items and not the Eames or shabby chic is it because they have already sold it and this is what is left?

  5. That one table was Pyrex heaven for sure :-) I really like the bear, although I would never ever own a giant bear taxidermy (still yuck factor to me!) I like my oversized animals to be of the plaster variety like your deep sea diver! Looks like it was a great flea market, I would have love to have gone!

  6. It seems like any time I go somewhere with money to spend, I never find anything! Then when I'm on a budget, I find all kinds of things I want to purchase!

    Ewww on the taxidermy trend. I used to work for Bass Pro Shops, and I saw a lifetime's worth of that stuff when I worked there. No thank you! That's one trend I won't be capitalizing on.

  7. Perhaps the MCM isn't even making it to the fairs....

  8. Industrial does seem passe, but love turquoise! Thanks for the wrap up :)

  9. If people are like me, Shabby Chic became so popular that I am bored by it in a way now. Just sold (and still am) all of my shabby chic/primitive/vintage collection. Its just too much stuff. Goin for a more simple decor now.

  10. That man in the suit is a deep sea diver! He has on the helmet & everything! =D
