
Saturday, November 26, 2011

New goodness at auction on eBay this week!

I am finally recovered enough from Thanksgiving to sit down and do a blog post - I hope you all had as much fun as I did! I stuffed myself silly with my family, and laughed over old pictures with them. Of course, I snagged a few to scan in and post on Facebook... :)

My auctions are ending on Monday, due to eBay having their listing fee sale last Monday instead of their usual Tuesday. Kinda perfect since it is Cyber Monday! I'm still finding it hard to believe that it is almost Christmas, at this point I am expecting it to not fully hit me until, oh, around New Year's or so...

Anyway here's a few of my goodies that are listed this week, as usual click on over if you want to see everything!

1 comment:

  1. it's all so amazing I use to be on e-bay, I use to have credit cards, I loved shopping for vintage, alas, I am now poor, I use to be
    Blue Blue Sushi 2222 how I miss I'd buy from you If I could, good luck
