
Monday, March 26, 2012

The thrift gods sent me a new clock radio!

And not just any clock radio - the exact General Electric "wake to music" AM alarm clock radio that I have been stalking online for several months now. I never pulled the trigger and actually bought one, because the little voice in my head kept saying, you will find one out at the sales - just be patient... It paid off, because I found one at an estate sale for the big big price of $3.00!

My parents had a very similar one next to their bed when I was a kid - I have fond memories of listening to it, especially the show Desperate and Dateless on Friday nights. Does anyone remember that show? I remember thinking it was hilarious, and that it was just a tiny bit scandalous for a little kid to be listening to it...

Anyway, my new radio works like a dream, and I couldn't be happier. The only bad thing seems to be that there are only two AM stations that come through clearly - so this morning I was jerked awake by the voice of Rush Limbaugh... If that won't get you to roll over and turn the alarm off I don't know what will! ;)

** Linking up with Apron Thrift Girl's Thrift Share Monday - if I can figure out how to do it! hehe


  1. Omagosh! I remember that my parents had the same one beside their bed when I was little!! Later it was moved tot he guest room and when we moved into the house they live in now, it sadly went missing. Nice score!

  2. Ah! So I take it that this one's a keeper. The best thing about your find is the treasured memories and nothing beats that.

  3. If I had known, I could have hooked you up with one of the two I have. Let me know if you are looking for anything special/ specific.

  4. Yes definitely a keeper! And thanks Bopfish I will remember that :)

  5. love that radio. we had a similar one too growing up.

  6. Score! And as a radio collector, I commiserate with you. There isn't a whole lot out there worth listening to on the AM dial.

  7. Cool radio! They don't make stuff like they used to - all you see is, "MADE IN CHINA" everywhere!
    If you have any vintage or retro stuff to sell, post them on our vintage/retro site
