
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Vintage Thoth Tarot Card Deck By Aleister Crowley On eBay Now!

I was browsing the bookshelves at an estate sale a week or so ago, and noticed this little white box nestled among some paperback books. Lucky for me I decided to pull it out and see what it was - turns out it was a fairly rare vintage OTO Thoth tarot card deck designed by none other than Aleister Crowley!

Researching it proved a challenge, as there seems to be some confusion about the publication dates on these older decks... The best I could pin down is it could be from as early as 1969, or from sometime in the 70's. The cards are in excellent condition and the artwork (by artist Frieda Harris) is gorgeous. If you are into this kind of thing head on over and check it out - it's one of those things you just don't find every day! :)


  1. These are actually pretty common, especially amongst advanced readers. I'm curious as to what indicators tell you this set is vintage. The New Page and Pagan markets don't really value tarot cards as vintage until they're pre-1930. You could probably get better traffic taking these to your local pagan shop.

  2. Hey there, thanks for your comment... I'm just using the term vintage here as it is used for general items - any item that is 20 or 25 years old or older (even 80's is being referred to as vintage these days!).

    I did my best researching them, the box style is what led me to believe they are from the 70's era... This site was helpful: (my box matches the White Box B on this site) as was this one: and this one:

    The dating information on the sites I looked at was somewhat contradictory - some had the Llewellyn deck before the Weiser deck, some had it the other way around... My best deduction is the 70's date, what do you think?

  3. As far as rarity goes, I was only able to find a couple with the same box style as mine listed on eBay, I saw a lot more of the box style with the red lettering listed (the white box style C one on the Tarot Garden chart)...

  4. Obviously this is a little late. I just wanted to state my info on this deck in case it will be helpful.

    Aleister Crowley and the artist Lady Frieda Harris had both passed before the original set of these cards were published, 1947 and 1962 respectively.

    The deck remained unpublished until 1969.

    It took both Aleister and lady Frieda five years to complete. Both wrote essays that were put out in 1983 with a second set of the cards.

    If they were reprinted after that I do not know off the top of my head.

  5. Thanks for sharing. Always love reviews and articles on tarot. Love that there are so many to choose from as well, they all speak in their own language.

  6. This set is from 1986.
    A beautiful find though, and in such good condition!

  7. I just wanted to say I can't believe how many people claim to be knowledgeable on this and are spitting out misinformation. This is even rarer than the "White Box B" which is what I have. I can tell that is absolutely the first color edition of this deck. I have the second edition "White Box B" that has a notch on the gold body cover. This one does not have a notch that indicates it is a "White Box A". The 1986 version of these cards was released in a blue box. Also significantly smaller.

    This is an AMAZING and RARE find! I wish so many hadn't discredited you all those years ago because it is even BETTER than you thought! To own a first colored edition of these would be a great honor.

    1. I believe you are right most the people are incorrect. I believe u had the box A as it says printed in UsA. Box b was similar but said made in Hong Kong. I do graffiti artist and was dumpster diving at a thrift store garbage. And I found a mint condition set of these and it's box A. I'm pretty excited as I knew of aleister crowley thru symbology and conspiracy studies. Come to find out this was a pretty decent garbage find. Now to find a buyer. Your page here and links proved to be the most informational in deciding what I had here. Thanks a ton!

  8. Thanks for your kind comment Lillian! This was a tough one to research, not being an expert - I did the best that I could, and it was fun learning about them. :)
