
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Score - Another GE Clock Radio!

Remember back in March when I posted about the vintage GE "wake to music" alarm clock radio I scored for a mere $3 at an estate sale? I'd been searching for one for a while, because my parents had one when I was a kid that I used to listen to all the time. The one I found was very similar to the one they had, but it wasn't the exact one...

Well, this weekend I found what I think is the exact one they had. 30 years or so makes the memory a little fuzzy of course, but this one set off all the recognition bells in my head when I saw it:

It was only $2 and it works like a dream. :) The really great thing about it, other than it being an exact match, is it has FM as well as AM reception. No more waking up to Rush Limbaugh and traffic reports! I can wake up to actual music! Alas, still no snooze button though...


  1. Not hitting the snooze button is supposed to be healthier. See, those people thirty years ago knew more than us. Ha ha. Such a neat find.

  2. Love it and the other one you have. With a clock face that big even I might be able to read it.
