
Saturday, July 14, 2012

New goodness at auction on eBay this week!

I'm here! I haven't posted in a couple of weeks, but I have good reason - on June 29th we got slammed with a freak storm, clocking 85 mile an hour straight line winds. I'm sure a lot of you out there got hit by it too - it was a HUGE storm that affected millions of people. Our power was down for 4 days - plus for one more day the next weekend, just to make sure we were really hating life...

We mostly camped on Will's mom's living room floor the whole time - she had power AND central air - but only dial up internet. Needless to say we got behind in all of our business work, not to mention losing a ton of hours at our "real" jobs - both of which are done working from home, on the internet. Since then it's been all about playing catch-up.

On the bright side, I did finally manage to get quite a few cool things up at auction this week! And I had a great weekend out at the sales this weekend, so stay tuned for next week's post :)


  1. Glad you're back. Hope the storm didn't do too much damage. Love the pyrex.

  2. Love the brush and mirror set. Beautiful!
