
Monday, December 10, 2007

Dreams + Fantasies = Musings

No photos for today's post... Just a bit of rambling stemming from some daydreams I've been having lately. I get lots of ideas - most of them never make it out of my head. Some do though, but then proceed to die quick deaths.

I'm happy that starting this blog hasn't fallen into the dearly departed category. I am having fun with it, even though a lot of what I wanted to do with it isn't coming as easily as I had hoped. Which has prompted the daydreaming - my brain is searching for alternatives.

I had a little realization. The essence of what I want to create really leans more toward an online magazine than a blog. I want articles, features, spotlights, photo spreads... the whole nine yards. Maybe it's my newspaper background, or my never fully realized zinester tendencies. I don't know.

Two problems present themselves - time, and content.

Time of course is the big issue, which is why I started a blog. I can update when I have time, no schedule or deadlines or rules. An e-zine would require all those things plus content quotas, and more. I just don't know if I can make that happen when I am just getting my business started. I don't know if the traffic it brought my store would be enough of a trade off, or if I could make enough money with affiliates and advertising to justify the time... It's a huge project.

And the content is a big concern too - the response to my pleas for contributions for the blog has been less than overwhelming. There is no way I could create all the content for an e-zine myself, unless it was just like a bi-annual publication. So, figuring out a way to get articles, photo submissions and interviews is a must. I am wondering though, if people might be more open to submitting to an e-zine format over a blog format?

Anyway, these are the thoughts that are plaguing me at the moment. I don't know why I can't just be satisfied with running my little eBay store... I am intent on building an empire! I want an eBay store (or two!), an Etsy store, a website, a blog, an e-zine, a couple different newsletters, affiliate marketing projects... Am I crazy?

Aren't people who build empires usually a little crazy though?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mitzi, I think you and I have similar dreams - maybe we can go into business together. Later, though, I am over the top busy, too, right now. But I am serious! BTW, you should get OFF blogger and onto Wordpress. Use Bluehost as a server. I got into all these issues about 3 months ago - and they really make a difference. What is your newspaper background? Email me at my regular email if you want to 'talk' more.
