
Friday, April 25, 2008

Featured Collectible - Vintage Ouija Boards

Can you believe this?!? A Ouija board from 1944 - gorgeous colors and graphics, and in pretty damn good condition for being 64 years old! I've wanted a vintage Ouija board for years, and never found one - until last weekend.

I almost kept it - I figured out where I would display it and everything - talk about a perfect example of re-seller angst, worse than the curtains I wrote about a while back... Practicality won out again though, and it is currently at auction on eBay.

Of course I got sucked into looking at the other vintage boards that are up for sale - there are some awesome ones! Here is the one I had when I was younger, I don't know how many hours my friends and I spent on it... I don't think I want to know, really...

From eBay seller 5RL Online Auction Company - 1972 Parker Brothers Ouija Board:

I wish I still had mine, but it is long gone... luckily this version isn't too hard to find at a reasonable price it seems, plus a couple of years ago I thrifted this for a quarter:

A Ouija board mouse pad! I was too excited when I found it, I have to admit. I've used it ever since, and luckily there are several available on eBay so I will be able to replace it when it wears out... gotta love eBay!

Of course the older boards are a lot more rare, but there is a pretty big variety - I was kind of shocked to find out that there are boards dating back to the 1890's! I found a great site called The Museum of Talking Boards that has a ton of information about the history of Ouija boards and a great gallery of almost a hundred board versions - the one I found is included!

There is one other board that is for sale right now that I just love and have to show you before I go:

From eBay seller M and J's Collectibles - a Haskelite Mystic Tray:

I know most have you have probably run across vintage Haskelite wood serving trays on your thrifting travels, but I never would have thought there was a Ouija board version! And what's even cooler is that the witch from Snow White is in the lower left hand corner!:

I'm tempted to bid... must... resist...

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  1. I love board you found! Very cool! I would have never imagined the Haskelite one either. Love the mouse pad too. I remember using one as a kid too.

  2. I have one too!

  3. I love love love the graphical quality of ouija boards, and have one stocked away. This post is inspiring me to pull it out and figure out how to display it. FYI, Ithink it's interesting that some people are freaked out by these boards!

  4. Cool blog, i never have seen so many unusual boards. what great collection. and i've got a whole new perspective on pbn's. i've bid on a few on ebay but, have never won. keep up the cool collecting. cathie

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