
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Finding Inventory To Sell Online - AuctionWally Radio Show - Sunday, Aug 24th @ 2pm

It's show time again! This week we are going to be talking about finding inventory to sell online. Live auctions, flea markets, garage sales, estate sales, Craig's List, church sales, thrift stores, library sales... there is tons of great stuff out there waiting to be found, all you have to do is arm yourself with a little bit of knowledge, and get to hunting!

I know for a lot of us vintage sellers the "thrill of the hunt" is a big part of why we got into this business, so join us at 2pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, August 24th, as we dig in with tons of tips, tricks, and stories - hope you can tune in! As always the chat room will be open and the call in feature working - just dial 646-378-1561.

PS - If you are only a buyer don't think this show isn't for you - these tips can help you find the best stuff and get the best deal when you are shopping out in the "real world" instead of online! ;)

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