
Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm headed to Hocking Hills!

For the first time in 3 years I am actually getting out of town for a couple of days! Shocking, I know. Well, it's shocking if you know me and know what a homebody I am (hence the no vacation in 3 years thing.) Coincidentally I am going to the same area of Ohio that I went to last time - Hocking Hills.

Last time it was me and Will in a couples cabin:

This time, it is me and 17 other girls in a lodge:

The party has been appropriately titled Bitch Fest 2008. It is the brainchild of my best friend from high school, Celeste. Her and my other best friend from high school, Amelia, will be there, and I am so excited to get to spend some quality time with them!

It will be just like back in the day, when the three of us were attached at the hip and did everything together. Plus 15 other girls, of course! Half of them I will know but haven't seen in years, the other half will be new faces that I am sure I will know pretty well by Sunday morning!

Of course I am going to get some shopping done while I am down there. My first stop is The Hocking Hills Market, a sprawling complex of antique stores and flea market space, including The Antique Barn which is inside one of the Ohio Bicentennial barns. I can't wait to check it out, we skipped it on our last trip in favor of the other place I will be visiting, The Artisan Mall.

I'll be back next week to let you all know how it went! :)


  1. Bitch Fest!! Sounds like a lot of fun! Have a great time've earned it:D

  2. Wow, I'm so jealous! What a great little getaway, have fun!

  3. REPORT:
    For anyone that follows Mitzi's blog or is one of her customers.
    Where she lives has just been hit by a HUGE wind storm in Ohio. Power may be out for up to a week.

    Obviously, she cannot use her PC or ship any orders, if you've purchased something from her, please be patient, and if you could spread the word that would be great.
