
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Did I mention listing your blog is FREE now on The Vintage List directory?

It's really free, I swear. If you have a vintage focused blog, all you have to do is put this button...

... on your blog's sidebar, link it to, then head on over and submit your listing for the Blog category. I'll check that your reciprocal link is good and that your blog has a vintage focus, then I'll approve your listing!

Did I mention it was free?


  1. THANK YOU for spelling it out for me...for some reason i just couldn't make heads or tales of what i was supposed to do!

    i guess i needed a little hand holding...or a firm but gentle push...any way or other...

    thank you!
    will try to do that today!

  2. hehe Leah, I'm glad my little "gentle push" helped! ;)
