
Friday, January 9, 2009

Vintage Geek Gear!

As you can probably tell from my blog tagline, the phrase Vintage Geek is one of my favorites - it just describes me too well! I have wished for a while that I could get a coffee mug that says it, so today I did something about it!

I set up a store on Cafe Press and whipped one up - nothing fancy, simple black on white... but I dig it. In fact, I went ahead and made a t-shirt and bumper sticker too, for good measure!

If you want one too, just head on over to the Vintage Goodness store...


  1. That's so cool...or should I say geeky! I've had the same thing on my to do list for so long.

  2. I guess it's true. "Hello. My name is Dahlila and I'm a vintage geek."

    Great blog.

