
Friday, July 17, 2009

A dose of cuteness for your Friday...

I was lucky enough to win a pack of completely adorable magnets from one of my favorite Etsy vintage sellers, Gretchen from Shop 66, and they are now gracing the front of my fridge, next to Will's Bone and Futurama magnets:

I marked them with red arrows so you don't miss any of the cuteness. :)

I think the deer is my favorite, followed closely by the skunk - thanks again Gretchen!

The other cuteness you have probably noticed - my brand spankin new Cherries Jubilee blog background from a website I just discovered - The Cutest Blog On The Block. Not only are their backgrounds gorgeous (and free!), they are super easy to install, with no worry that the rest of your blog layout will be screwed up in the process. They get the V+G=H official seal of approval!


  1. The new background is amazing--I already use Cutest Blog but I think it's time for a redo. What a cool magnet collection!

  2. Hi I have just come across your site and fallen completely head over heels in Love!You are sooo lucky to win those magnets, Im might just a little jealous, but this is blotted out by the joy of finding your site, through Rokit.x

  3. Your seal of approval just made my 3 year old crack up. I guess it's got his seal of approval :)

  4. The deer is my favorite too. Still in love with after cutting hundreds and hundreds of his image. Thanks for the kind words!! Gretchen xoxo
