
Saturday, May 22, 2010

New goodness up for auction on eBay this week!

We managed to get a good chunk of all the goodies I found last weekend listed this week - but not nearly all! The Raggedy Ann stuff and the player piano music got put off to do this coming week. I didn't have quite as good a shopping this weekend, so I'm hoping to be all caught up with all the new stuff by next weekend - keep your fingers crossed for me! I tend to set lofty goals for myself and usually fail miserably - but hey, it keeps me workin, right? ;)

(Here's Milky in all her glory - never played with!!)

(I wanted one of these when I was a kid too - I just had to use the boring old regular oven...)

(I did have one of these - I wasn't completely deprived!)

 (Very similar to my Raggy - only mine had red hair...)

 (These need to go to their new home soon, having them here is killing me!)

(So cute...)

There were a few things I didn't really highlight in my other post that I got listed also...

(Yes, ANOTHER awesome typewriter! I've found 3 this spring - some kind of record!)

(Never used!!)

(Also never used! *swoon*)

And there's more... Just click on over if you want to check out the rest! 

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  1. LOVE that typewriter! And the Raggedy Ann doll, too.

  2. Where has this blog been all my? I think I've died and gone to heaven! Oh and you sell on eBay my hubby's gonna have a fit! LOL looks like you found my old toy box! I can't wait to read through all your posts! Have a love ly Sunday!
    luvs and glitter
