
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Calvin & Hobbes Collection Complete!

Finally, after a couple years of working on it, my Calvin and Hobbes book collection is complete! I found the last one I needed yesterday. I was determined not to buy any of them new or online, I wanted to thrift them all, preferably for a dollar or less each... I found it at Half-Price Books - which still counts as thrifted, or at least that is what I am telling myself. Here it is, in all it's collection completing glory:

I broke my price rule slightly by paying $2.48 - still a great deal. :)

Calvin and Hobbes ran from 1985 to 1995, and I was a hardcore fan through a lot of those years. My dad even cut strips out of the newspaper and sent them to me when I was in college. It is still hands down my favorite comic strip ever, it is truly brilliant and I doubt there will ever be another one that can even come close to it's pure awesomeness...

Here is the list:

1987 Calvin and Hobbes
1988 Something Under the Bed Is Drooling
1988 The Essential Calvin and Hobbes
1989 Yukon Ho!
1989 The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book
1990 Weirdos From Another Planet!
1990 The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes
1991 The Revenge of the Baby-Sat
1991 Scientific Progress Goes "Boink"
1992 Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons
1992 The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes
1993 The Days are Just Packed
1994 Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat
1995 The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book
1996 There's Treasure Everywhere
1996 It's A Magical World
2001 Calvin and Hobbes: Sunday Pages 1985-1995               

The only thing I need now is the holy grail of Calvin and Hobbes scores - the complete boxed set. I am watching one that is at auction on eBay right now for a great price:

I may have to pull the trigger on it if no one else bids... So no one else bid, OK? :)

I would also like to have this biography of Bill Watterson:

Anyone who turns down millions of dollars because he doesn't want to sell out the integrity of his art deserves to have a book written about him... As much as I would love to have an officially licensed Calvin t-shirt, I totally respect his decision.


  1. Calvin & Hobbes are the best! I'm pretty sure I have all of these from my college days, and having my 13-year old son as a Watterson fan is pretty amazing too.

  2. So you're probably the person to ask. I've got the 3 big ones, Authoritative, Indispensable, and Essential. I've got a few of the smaller ones, Revenge of the Baby-sat, The Days are Just Packed, and There's Treasure Everywhere as well as the 10th Anniversary. How many are repeats or duplicates of the big books?

  3. I heart Calvin & Hobbes! They are classic conics. Visually stunning and cleverly written! Have you heard the internet buzz about the online comic that came out with an grown up Calvin, and his daughter? Its pretty cute, a nice homage. Here is the link

  4. This link tells which books have repeats from the others in them:

    Hope that helps! :)

  5. I work at the used book sale every year. I will keep my eyes peeled for you. Love it when someone has a passion for a collection.

  6. Mitzi I love Calvin & Hobbes too!!!
    I donated all of my individual books when I acquired the boxed set (luckily it was at Costco for a reasonable price). How nice to have something else in common besides love of vintage!

  7. Oh, I just had to add my voice to this chorus of admiration. The comics are beautifully drawn, the humor is fantastic and Hobbs, how can he NOT be real? I miss that strip so very much. It is refreshing to find someone who is not obsessed with money. I hope he is enjoying his break but I do hope Bill can come back at some point and entertain and enlighten us again. I wonder what he is creating artistically...anyone know? I have never heard of that book...tempted.
