
Friday, August 26, 2011

New goodness at auction on eBay this week!

I waited with baited breath for an auction listing fee sale from eBay this week, but none ever came - sadness! I listed some things anyway of course... ;)

As always, there's more - click on over to check out the rest! :)


  1. Nice finds!

    Everytime I see a JRR set, it reminds me of my miserably-failed attempt to read all of those books. I don't think I made it past the first 50 pages of book 1! And this from a person who read "Crime and Punishment" from cover to cover in 16 nonstop hours!

  2. These items are amazing!
    I know how some people feel that only real vintage is worth having. How do you feel about new clothes inspired by the time period? I personally love the twist of modern and old, but some people are traditionalist and I understand that.


  3. Nice post. There is a nice article on vintage bookends in the September 2011 Antiques Roadshow Insider magazine. The horse ones you have are shown on page 6.
