
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Holy Grail Score! - Vintage Hilda Pin-Up Girl Calendar

I had a holy grail score this weekend - don't you just love those days? I was digging through a box of paper at an estate sale and saw a little peek of red hair... I pulled it out of the box, and almost fainted straight away - a vintage Hilda pin-up girl calendar! She is my absolute favorite, and I've been hoping to find one for YEARS. She is maybe the only curvy vintage pin-up, and all of the drawings have a great sense of fun, without making fun of her size. And of course they are a little sexy too! ;)

It is from 1963, and has 7 pages, each with a different Hilda scene. From what I could see from what has been listed online lately, they are a little hard to find complete like this - they were often taken apart.

As with any holy grail score I had to fight with myself about whether to keep it or to sell it... This time my practical side won out, and it is currently listed at auction on eBay.

If you haven't seen Hilda before, be sure to run on over to and check out not only some history and a gallery of Hilda art, but also an interview with Duane Bryers, her creator. Thank you Mr. Bryers for giving us Hilda - she rocks!!


  1. I know exactly what you mean about that Holy Grail moment... it's totally what keeps me going when I'm feeling down in the dumps about my estate sale prospects for a coming weekend. What a neat find! I hadn't heard of Hilda before but I now love these illustrations. Thanks for sharing!

  2. She is downright beautiful! I love this calendar!! I had never heard of Miss Hilda either. I really like the humor in the pics, the onion pic is particularly great! Thanks for sharing. I hope you take some hi res scans for yourself before you let he go :-)

  3. I'm another person who had never heard of Hilda. She is stunning! Thanks for sharing her with us and providing some of her history.

  4. I love it id keep it but then I keep everything coz I cant part with anything lol need to start parting with things soon before I become a real hoarder.

  5. Thanks for the great post-you're right ,Hilda does rock!
