
Thursday, June 14, 2012

New goodness on Etsy - plus a coupon!

I've been doing a pretty good job tackling the backlog of vintage paper that I have to list on Etsy - it's nice to finally be reducing the mountain somewhat, anyway. :)

Before I show you the stuff I've gotten up since last time I did an Etsy update, I want to make sure you see the post that Pam over at Retro Renovation did about my Marionette prints - not only is it a wonderful, though provoking post, but it also includes a coupon that I created for my Etsy shop just for Retro Renovation readers! It's only good through the end of June, so don't hesitate, if there is something that you want, now's the time to snatch it up...

Ok, on to the goodies:

I scored a nice lot of these 1940's grocery store posters, I've already sold several of them actually, so I don't expect the rest to be around for too much longer!

I found an entire folio of these super cute prints from 1959 that were used as salesman samples, to help customers choose which images they wanted to put on top of calendars - I got almost 50 listings out of just this one find! :)

I only found 3 of these amazing pet health posters - I just love them, I wish I would have found more!

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