
Monday, November 26, 2012

Vintage knee hugger elves for Elf on the Shelf!

Unless you've been living under a rock the last couple of years, you've probably heard of Elf on the Shelf - it's become a really popular Christmas tradition for folks with young kids.

People come up with really creative ideas - I surfed around Pinterest the other day and collected some fun ones - click on over if you want to see Mr. Elf in action!

It really seems like the demand for, and selling prices of, vintage knee hugger elves has gone up this year. I can only conclude it is the popularity of Elf On The Shelf that is behind it - maybe parents want different kinds of elves to use, or to make Elf On The Shelf parties? I don't know. The official Elf on the Shelf certainly looks a lot like the vintage versions, so I can see why people would be looking to give him some friends that are similar but not exactly the same...

Here are some great vintage knee hugger elves I found that are up on eBay right now, any - or all! - of them would be perfect to use with Elf on the Shelf, or just to give a bit of extra cuteness to a retro styled Christmas...

(I love the stripey sweaters!)

(these guys are all hat - love them!)

(these have a bit of a different look to them!)

(check out the pointy noses, and bells! too cute!)

(these guys look like someone spiked the egg nog lol)

(so dapper in their saucy tophats!)

(these are all pretty unique...)

(too cute!)

(flying, or falling down, take your pick! lol)

Now, here's the real question - could a grown ass woman with no kids in the house justify buying a couple elves to play Elf on the Shelf this year? Maybe. Just maybe. ;) 

1 comment:

  1. I started hunting for the vintage elf knee huggers last year, they're so cute!! Today I got my first Santa knee hugger, he's even cuter! So, go ahead and buy a few!
