
Friday, January 18, 2013

Featured Collectible - Vintage Dr. Who

I got Netflix a couple of months ago - I know, what took me so long?!? - so I've been marathoning TV shows like a madwoman. Freaks and Geeks, Mad Men (which I had never watched before, believe it or not!), Spaced, Peep Show (which quickly moved onto my favorite shows of all time list)... and then I decided to watch Dr Who. And this was basically the result:

I'd seen most of the episodes from #10 (David Tennant, YUM) & Donna onward, but I had never watched #9 (Christopher Eccleston) & Rose at all, and had only watched random episodes of #10 before Donna. So, it was very fun to go back from the "beginning" and watch them all in a row. I was a fan before, but watching them like that really helped cement its place in my heart.

My boyfriend Will is a fan from back in the day - Dr. Who originally ran from 1963 - 1989, before returning with #9 in 2005. I've never watched the old episodes, except in passing when Will had them on, but when I started looking through what kind of collectibles are out there, it was the vintage Dr. Who stuff that really caught my eye. Here's just a few fun things I found:

(there are SO many great t-shirts!!)

(I wish I could buy this for Will, he would love it!)

(I don't know why I love this so much, but I want it!)

(Look, a pencil case to go with the sharpener!)

(there are a TON of paperbacks out there, in case the TV show isn't enough for you, I guess...)

Of course there are lots and lots of modern collectibles to be had too - I am not even going to go there in this post, I would want to buy everything - which is BAD. I don't really NEED a David Tennant or Matt Smith action figure, or a sonic screwdriver flashlight, or a funny Dalek vs. Cybermen rock-em-sock-em robot t-shirt...

I might just need a David Tennant mouse pad though... ;)