
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Antique mall booth round 2 - here we go again!

If you have been a reader of my blog for a while, you might remember the brief period of time back in 2009 when I had a space at the Hocking Hills Antique Barn. If you weren't around then, click on over to read all about it - it was quite an interesting experience (the first post in the series is at the bottom of the page, the last one is at the top).

I've considered giving it another try since then, but haven't taken the plunge again - until now! I'm moving into a 6' x 8' space at the Delaware Antique Mall in Delaware, Ohio. It is a bit closer than the last place was, only about half an hour away.

It is less overall space than I had at the Barn, but rent is cheaper - which I figure is a good thing while I am giving it a try and seeing how things go. I like it for a few reasons - the main one being that it is big, with lots of great dealers selling stuff that is right up my alley. Also it is on the main drag downtown, near 2 other antique malls - which hopefully means it gets a good bit of traffic.

I'm in it to win it this time - I learned quite a bit the last time I tried it, and since I decided to give it another go I have been researching selling tips and display ideas, including buying the Selling In An Antique Mall e-book from Vintage Rescue Squad, which is full of great information.

I haven't decided if I will be blogging about it here on the Vintage Goodness blog like I did before, or if I will be reviving the Flipping Vintage blog and using it instead. I've been toying with the idea of re-launching Flipping Vintage, and this might be as good a time as any since I have something new and fun to talk about!

I did set up a Facebook page for the booth - Vintage Goodness Delaware - head on over and give it a like! I am also going to try running some Craig's List ads for some of the bigger and/or more interesting items, so that should be interesting... Wish me luck, I may need it! ;)


  1. That's very excited! I sold in three antique malls before my son was born and I loved it! The hardest part was keeping my booth looking full. Have fun!

  2. My advice is to blog about it here. You've already built a readership, why split your efforts? Maybe just sub-title your posts about the antique mall adventures "flipping vintage" the way I do my out of town craigslist scavengings (Not My Turf)?

  3. Hey Mr. Modtomic! I thought about that, I actually started the Flipping Vintage blog a while back, to talk about the selling side of the business, targeted toward other sellers. This blog's audience is a mix of everyone, so I don't want to bore those folks who aren't into the nuts and bolts of selling, if that makes sense... I let Flipping Vintage go dormant for a while when I got busy with other things, but I've been thinking of reviving it lately and I thought adding the antique booth selling posts into the mix over there might work. I'd love to hear more opinions on it though - I've put Mr. Modtomic down for one vote for Vintage Goodness blogging! ;)
