
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Antique Mall Booth Update - With Photos!

Contrary to probable appearances, I have NOT fallen off of a cliff, never to return. I've just been crazy busy - and the antique mall booth is a good chunk of the reason why. But, I'm all moved in, and while there is still a LOT I want to do to it, I'm feeling pretty good about my progress so far. Let's take a look, shall we?

Booth version 1 - move in day!

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you - those are indeed two giant space themed velvet paintings, including one featuring a UFO! I cannot express my love for them in mere words, let me tell you. And the portrait paintings - the colors are a little off in my photo, but trust me, they are pure awesome. I have a few more that I listed at auction this week, stay tuned I'll post about those on Saturday...

The velvet paintings were in my booth through last weekend, with no takers. Sunday night I was showing my photos to my friend Gary, of Nimin's Shop on Etsy, and he was all, I WANT THOSE. So, I pulled them out on Monday and brought them home again. I'm so happy to sell them to a friend - I can go visit them whenever I want! lol

This is the back wall of my booth. I only have 2 walls, and they are only 4 feet tall - luckily the booth on my right has super tall shelves all along their side of the wall, which allows me to prop art up against them (that's what I did with the portrait paintings). This back wall is another story. I'm hoping to eventually figure out some way to hide the back side of my neighbor's stuff, but haven't had any brilliant ideas yet...

Here is the left "wall" of my booth. As you can see there is actually no wall at all, just an invisible line that divides my space from my neighbor's. We basically are splitting one full size booth between us... I have one more tall shelf to bring in, which will complete my "wall". I'm on the lookout for more interesting shelves - it seems like every other booth in the place has the same cheap particle board shelves up, and believe me, I totally know why - shelves are expensive! But I'm hoping to eventually come across something better at a sale sometime...

Booth version 2 - this week's update:

Sadly, I made no sales over the weekend except for selling the velvet paintings to my friend. So, Monday I made the trip up there with some more stuff, including the corner table that I've had in my office for years. I put a not for sale tag on it - I just don't want to sell it, at least not right now, especially when it fits in that back corner so perfectly...

This photo gives you a better look at the back side of my neighbor's stuff above my back wall. Awful.

I crammed a few more things onto the shelves, and tidied up a bit - people were obviously in there shopping over the weekend, some stuff was moved around, actually the metal cafe wall plaque was sitting on the floor instead of hanging up where it should be, but no one took anything home with them. Here's hoping this week leaves me with some empty spaces to fill!


  1. Lot's of nice things I see, as always. You have great taste.

  2. I wanna drive up there so badly to see you and the booth!! It's looking good. Happy the velvets found a good home.

    Can you rig a curtain of sorts from the top of the bookshelf to a pole of some sort in the corner to conceal the neighbors booth? Maybe a patio umbrella stand holding said pole?

  3. The trick is to cover the top, but not the bottom, because I need that peg board space... Poles are a good idea, then maybe I could hang linens or whatnot on a line between them, up high...
